Section 18 EPA Approval for Bifenthrin in 2017. BMSB Eggs and Nymphs Observed Ulster Co. Orchards

BMSB Eggs and newly hatch nymphs on pear leaf;

To date we have seen low brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) adult trap captures that are well below threshold for management. However, scouting for the insect in trees has revealed BMSB eggs and newly hatched nymphs on apple foliage in Ulster County this week (Nic Ellis, Apple Leaf). In tree fruit blocks where nymphs are found, orchard management for the pest should be initiated.

Insecticide tools with various degrees of efficacy for BMSB management.

One of the most effective tools for use to manage BMSB is the active ingredient bifenthrin in a number of formalations.

Bifenthrin has a 12 hr. re-entry interval, 14 day pre-harvest interval and a 30 day re-application interval.

Today we received notice that the EPA has approved the Section 18 application for bifenthrin for use against the brown marmorated stink bug for 2017. Links below provide access to PDF copies of the approval letter along with the Section 18 labels for materials containing the A.I. bifenthrin.

Labels should be made available to the applicator during bifenthrin applications. These can be printed or available as digital files such as PDF’s on tablets or smart phones. We were able to add an additional 1000 acres for use in Monroe, Wayne, and Orleans Counties during the application process this year. The exemption is valid now through October 15th as a “Section 18 EXEMPTION, FOR DISTRIBUTION AND USE ONLY IN COLUMBIA, DUTCHESS, MONROE, ORANGE, ORLEANS, ULSTER, and WAYNE COUNTIES IN NEW YORK STATE”.

Bifenture 10DF Insecticide/Miticide (EPA Reg. No. 70506‐227)
Bifenture®EC Agricultural Insecticide (EPA Reg.No.70506‐57)