Meeting Invitation: RIMpro forecasting for apple scab and fire blight Mgt. in 2017 @ HVRL, Thursday, 2nd February 2017 at 9:30 AM for Registration.

Dear tree fruit growers,

RIMPro 2016

We are inviting the tree fruit grower community to join us for a meeting at Hudson Valley Research Lab (HVRL) on Thursday, 2nd February 2017 at 10 am. The meeting will outline grower participation in the use of RIMpro for forecasting apple scab and fire blight in 2017, provide an overview of the what growers will receive as outputs and explain the commitment by individuals for this partnership. These are highlighted in bullet points below that include:

A) Your individual subscription to RIMpro that includes access to approximately 10 NEWA stations in Eastern NY (with more stations likely, encompassing 3-4 key stations per each region outlined to which farms are located. The RIMPro subscription cost is approximately $250.00.

B) Representative NEWA stations for each farm will be selected for which a thrice-weekly e-mail alert with RIMpro interpretations for each of the regions will be provided as a management recommendation: 1. Lower-Hudson Valley, 2. Saratoga/Albany/Upper Hudson Valley, 3. Champlain Valley (hence we will have three mailing lists)

C) Payment of $50 for 1. Sending weather data stream to RIMpro from your existing or other nearest NEWA station to you,
2. Overhead of $30 to HVRL in support of technical help

D) You will provide us with the date when green tip occurred on your earliest cultivar and the dates for first and last open flowers.

E) HVRL’s disease prediction report to you by HVRL pathologists, Dr’s Srdjan Acimovic and David Rosenberger, who will:
1. Determine first ascospore discharge in Highland, Champlain Valley, and Saratoga county (biofix)
2. Interpret apple scab and fire blight predictions 3 times per week from green-tip through the end of primary scab
3. Send short e-mails on Mon, Wed and Fri morning with one paragraph summarizing disease forecast and 3 graphs from different RIMpro stations for each region.
4. Per request, provide post-event help in determining how and when scab occurred in relation to applied sprays and weather conditions (if it shows at all)

1. To enable HVL staff and grower partners to gain experience using RIMpro for apple disease management.
2. To assess the usefulness of RIMpro for making management decisions

Feel free to share this invitation to other apple growers who might be interested. This invitation is NOT exclusive to you and you are receiving this e-mail so that we can better manage the initial organization of a smaller group which you are. Those who can’t attend the meeting will still be able to join the RIMpro and e-mail list-serves later, but will miss the opportunity to assist in determining how this new scab/blight info from RIMpro will be disseminated among participating growers. Growers who cannot conveniently make it to a meeting at the lab can join via computer (Zoom session link is provided below to join online) if they wish to do so.
Dr. Rosenberger’s blog post: Spring use of RIMPro


Srdjan Acimovic is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +14086380968,595580461# or +16465588656,595580461#

Or Telephone:

Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 595 580 461
International numbers available:

Or an H.323/SIP room system:
H.323: (US West) or (US East)
Meeting ID: 595 580 461

Or Skype for Business (Lync):

All the best,

Srdjan Acimovic, Ph.D.
Extension Associate